Welcome to the home for Digital Research 2013

Here you will be asked to post a screenshot as well as an approximately 400 word description of the criteria or parameters that you implemented in your use of this weeks precedent study.

Here is the schedule for the semester, including the student responsible for moderating the discussion:

8/20- Shanghai Tower- Beorkrem
8/27- Versioning- Steven Danilowicz
9/3- Adaptive Components- Dylan davis
9/10- Material Constraints- Christian Sjoberg
9/17- Programmatic Constraints- Neil Edwards

9/24- Aesthetic- Trevor Hess
10/1- Biomimicry- Ben Sullivan
10/8- NO CLASS- Fall Break

Interactive Design
10/15- Smart Objects- Lina Lee
10/22- Smart interfaces- Isabel Fee

Data Visualization
10/29- Emotive Expression- Chris Pockette
11/5- Physical Expression-
11/12- Daylighting-
11/19- Final Project begins

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The motivating element behind this bus stop design is the idea of increasing covered space as the approach of the bus draws near. Not only does this allow for a larger number of users to be protected from precipitation, but also the movement of the overhead planes signifies the arrival of the bus. The planes occupy the interior of the bus stop when the bus if furthest from returning to this location. As the bus slowly draws nearer, the planes rotate outward and around until they are in a direct opposition to their original position inside of the bus stop.   Users will learn over time how far off the bus is based on the location of the planes in relation to their respective arcs. I have shown the overhead planes in a drastically different tone than the remainder of the bus stop intentionally, as I would like to think that the planes would read differently and be somewhat noticeable from a distance. The script uses boundary representation components that are manipulated based on the location of the bus relative to the location of the stop. 

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