Welcome to the home for Digital Research 2013

Here you will be asked to post a screenshot as well as an approximately 400 word description of the criteria or parameters that you implemented in your use of this weeks precedent study.

Here is the schedule for the semester, including the student responsible for moderating the discussion:

8/20- Shanghai Tower- Beorkrem
8/27- Versioning- Steven Danilowicz
9/3- Adaptive Components- Dylan davis
9/10- Material Constraints- Christian Sjoberg
9/17- Programmatic Constraints- Neil Edwards

9/24- Aesthetic- Trevor Hess
10/1- Biomimicry- Ben Sullivan
10/8- NO CLASS- Fall Break

Interactive Design
10/15- Smart Objects- Lina Lee
10/22- Smart interfaces- Isabel Fee

Data Visualization
10/29- Emotive Expression- Chris Pockette
11/5- Physical Expression-
11/12- Daylighting-
11/19- Final Project begins

Monday, October 28, 2013

Romare Bearden Park Context Free Design

Romare Bearden Park Context Free Design

Due to the collage influence from Bearden, I decided that some simple layering could bring out a parti that could describe a similar process to which collage artists work.  The background is a grid of layered circles, squares and triangles.  Each of these figures is rotated randomly and then overlaid with copies of that same grid.  The grid is then scaled, copied, and rotated to create a variety of densities and engaging boundary for the park.  For the walls of the park, I was thinking along the lines of Mies' Brick  Country House.  The lines are randomly rotated and translated away from the original line to fill the park space.  Here, the walls/paths are collected inside of the more densely packed middle section of park.

startshape PARK
background { b -.1 sat 0.25 hue 44 }

rule PARK{

rule WALLS {
50* {y 3 x 4 r 0..90} SQUARE{s .25 5 z 10}

rule PLANTS {
2 * {r 0..360}PLANTS2 {}

rule PLANTS2 {
4 * {s .65 .65 r 0..360} PLANTS1 {}

4* {f 45 s .65 .65 r 0..360} PLANTS1{}

rule PLANTS1 {
1 * {y -3} PLANTS_SHIFT1{}

1 * {x 3} PLANTS_GRID {}

20 * {y -1.05} PLANTS_ROWS{}

20 * {x 1.05 } FOLIAGE{}

rule FOLIAGE .33 {
SQUARE[a -.5 b .5  .. .75 hue 120..150 saturation .5 r 90..270]

rule FOLIAGE .33 {
CIRCLE[a -.5 b .5  .. .75 hue 120..150 saturation .5]

rule FOLIAGE .33 {
TRIANGLE[alpha -.5 b .5  .. .75 hue 120..150 saturation .5 r 90..270]

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